The Thomas Bell Society

In 1672, The Roxbury Latin School received an extraordinary gift, a bequest of 151 acres of land the revenue from which would perpetuate "that little nursery" strongly into the future. The donor, Thomas Bell, had invested in John Eliot’s school from the beginning and saw his will as an opportunity to solidify his commitment, express his admiration, and advance the school’s worthy mission. The intent of Bell’s bequest was clear:
- Affirm the value of the school and its central mission
- Invest in the school’s long-term future as an independent place of learning
- Encourage like commitments from others, and
- Ensure the legacy of the donor and the school well into the future.
In this tradition, the Thomas Bell Society honors those alumni and friends of the school whose gifts have as their goal the broadest vision and intent for Roxbury Latin: the endowment in perpetuity of a distinctive and vital school.
We invite you to become a member of the Thomas Bell Society, and join those who have so clearly signaled their enduring commitment to The Roxbury Latin School.
To notify us of an estate or planned gift that you have made for the benefit of Roxbury Latin please fill out our member profile form.
For more information about making such gifts in support of R.L.’s ongoing commitment to exceptional education for boys, please contact us.
Thomas Bell Society Members
Donors who have made a planned gift or named Roxbury Latin as a beneficiary in their estate planning.
- Anonymous (34)
- Mr. and Mrs. Franklin W. Allan '30–
- Ms. Mildred Allen–
- Mr. Frantz E. St. S. Alphonse '90
- Mrs. Ada Anderson–
- Mrs. Margaret Allen Anderson–
- Mr. and Mrs. James S. Barker '28–
- Mr. and Mrs. Robinson F. Barker '31–
- Mr. Charles T. Bauer '38–
- Mr. Timothy P. Begley '06
- Dr. and Mrs. John M. Bennett '51
- Dr. and Mrs. William Berenberg–
- Mr. M. Ethan Berman '79 and Ms. Fiona M. Hollands
- Rear Admiral and Mrs. Harold J. Bernsen '54
- Mrs. Beatrice B. Berry–
- Dr.– and Mrs. Richard W. Bloom '67
- Mr. Jeffrey C. Bloomberg '65 and Ms. Suzanne Luntz
- Drs. Arthur and Martha Bobruff
- Mr. Arthur L. Bowen '63
- Mr. Brett Brehm '99
- Mr. Kerry P. Brennan
- Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Broggi '90
- Col.– and Mrs. Jean P. Burner '43
- Mr. and Mrs. James B. Carney '39–
- Mr. and Mrs. Michael Cassidy '89
- Mr. and Mrs. Philip T. Cate '10–
- Mr. and Mrs. James A. Champy
- Mr. and Mrs. Peter Chapin
- Mr. and Mrs. G. Blair Clark, Jr. '51–
- Mr. Philip J. Coffey '28–
- Mr. and Mrs. Michael W. Colbert '69
- Mr. William P. Collatos '72
- Mr. John J. Connors '51
- Mr.– and Mrs. Laurence P. Corbett '39
- Mr. and Mrs. Courtenay Crocker '36 –
- Mr. and Mrs. Tom R. Culley '35–
- Mr. and Mrs. James R. Curley '49–
- Mr.– and Mrs. Frederick J. Davis '49
- Mr. and Mrs. Samuel S. Dennis III '28–
- Mr. and Mrs. Paul K. Doyle '34–
- Mr. and Mrs. William M. Ebben
- Mr. Mark Feldberg '69 and Emily Page
- Mr. and Mrs. J. Philip Ferrara '61
- Mr. Philip C. Fine '67 and Ms. Beverly A. Holley
- Mr. John H. Finley and Stanley McGee
- Mrs. Rose Fodale–
- Mr. J. Minot Fowler '33–
- Mr. and Mrs. Richard B. Fowler '34–
- Mr. Stephen E. Fowler '80 and Ms. Ceilyn M. Boyd
- Mr. Thomas M. Fowler '49–
- Mr. James Frates and Dr. Elizabeth P. Frates
- Mr. and Mrs. John H. Fullerton '41–
- Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Furlong '33–
- Mr. and Mrs. Nathan H. Garrick '38–
- Mr. Michael J. Giarla '76 and Ms. Ellen H. Michelson
- Mr. and Mrs. John F. Gibbons
- Mr.– and Mrs. Robert E. Gibbons '46
- Mr. Peter R. Goethals '45 and Ms. Sandol Stoddard–
- Dr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Goethals '39–
- John D. Goldman and Joan C. Spivak
- Mr. and Mrs. Abram V. Goodman '19–
- Mr. and Mrs. Christopher A. Gorbach '70
- Mr. and Mrs. Albert H. Gordon '19–
- Ms. Elizabeth M. Gordon–
- Ms. Mary E. Gordon–
- Mr. and Mrs. Ralph F. Gow '21–
- Dr. Allan C. Greenberg
- Mr. and Mrs. Donald E. Hare '47
- Dr.– and Mrs. Calvin W. Hartshorn '42
- Mr. Richard J. Hefler '32–
- Ms. Dana R. Burdich–
- Mr. and Mrs. John M. Hennessy '54
- Mr. Peter Hermann and Ms. Tamara Hermann
- Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Hill '25–
- Mr. Richard d. Hinds '60
- Mr. and Mrs. Francis Hoague '27–
- Mr. and Mrs. Elmer C. Hodson '27–
- Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Hurd '22–
- Dr. and Mrs. Adolph M. Hutter
- Ms. Emilie K. Jacobs–
- The Rev. F. Washington Jarvis–
- Mr. and Mrs. Howard E. Jones '39–
- Dr. Henry W. Jones '66
- Dr. and Mrs. Alfred I. Kaplan
- BG Paul F. Kavanaugh, USA Ret. '53
- Mr.– and Mrs. Joseph C. Kelley '67
- Mr. Albert V.B. Kelsey –˜51–
- Mr. Joseph K. Knight '36–
- Mr. Robert F.D. Kosasky '85
- Mr. Stephen P. Koster '67 and Dr. Laurie Feldman
- Mr. and Mrs. Paul Kuenstner
- Mr. and Mrs. John H. Landen, Jr. '34–
- Mr. and Mrs. Matthew P. Langione '01
- Mr.– and Mrs. Allen Latham
- Mr. Francis T. Leahy '27–
- Mr. Laurence H. Lebowitz '78
- Mr. M. Jonathan Lehrich '86
- Dr. and Mrs. Robert L. Leighton '36–
- Mr. F. Marcus Lemp '46–
- Mr. Karl Cadem Lemp '48
- Mr. and Mrs. Stephen J. Lent '29–
- Mr. Geoffrey W. Lewis '28–
- Prof. Harry R. Lewis '65 and Marlyn McGrath
- Mr. Thompson S. Lingel '70–
- Mr. and Mrs. Frank R. Littlefield '31–
- Mr. and Mrs. Mark Lynch '94
- Mr. and Mrs. G. Robert Macdonald '53
- Mrs. Elsa M. Magnuson–
- Mr. and Mrs. James F. Maguire
- Dr. Michael J. Marcus '64 and Dr. Gail H. Marcus
- Dr. Robert S. Marnoy '45–
- Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Marshall '30–
- Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Massey Jr. '78
- Mrs. Ingrid B. McDonough
- Mr. Edward L. McGowan '52
- Mr.– and Mrs. Franklin B. McKechnie '38
- Mr. William A. Merritt '35–
- Mr. and Mrs. David T. Meskill '35 –
- Mr. Robert F. Millett '23–
- Mr. and Mrs. David A. Mittell '35–
- Mr. Philip W. Mone '98
- Mr.– and Mrs. Richard P. C. Morrison '49
- Mr. and Mrs. Richard P. Morse '49
- Mr. and Mrs. Vincent P. Morton Jr. '47–
- Mrs. Sara M. Muspratt
- Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Nelson '20–
- Mr. and Mrs. Bernard M. O'Keeffe '24–
- Mr. and Mrs. Lionel H. O'Keeffe '30–
- Mr.– and Mrs. William B. O'Keeffe '57
- Mr. Richard B. Olson '60–
- Mr. and Mrs. James F. O'Neil '47–
- Mr. and Mrs. Colin A. Patterson
- Mr.– and Mrs. Richard B. Paul '37
- Mrs. Velura Perry
- Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Peters
- Mr. and Mrs. Harlan T. Pierpont '31–
- Mr. and Mrs. Mark Pitkin
- Mr. Michael T. Pojman
- Mr. and Mrs. Cary Potter–
- Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Powers '66
- Mr. and Mrs. Michael L. Price '77
- Mr. Paul R. Provost '83
- Mr. Alexander C. Raffol '09
- Mr. and Mrs. Joseph E. Raffol
- Mr. and Mrs. James W. Rappaport '74
- Mr. Gerhard Rehder '27–
- Mr. Frederick Reis, Jr. '52
- Mr. Stephen L. Robbins '54 –
- Mrs. Alice I. Robbins
- Mr. James K. Rooney '56 and Ms. Carol D. Langstaff
- Mr. and Mrs.– James H. Rosenfield '48
- Mr. and Mrs. Christopher B. Roy '87
- Mr. and Mrs. James F. Ryan '45–
- Mr. and Mrs. Joseph R. Saint '84
- Mr. and Mrs. Gabriel Schmergel
- Mr. and Mrs. Gregory E. Schmergel '86
- Mr. and Mrs. James W. Sherman '16–
- Ms. Sharon E. Silva–
- Dr. Paul Silverstein –˜56–
- Mr. David B. Smoyer
- Mr. John Eliot Spofford '50
- Mr. John R. Storella '73 and Ms. Lisa Aliferis
- Mr. and Mrs. Richard W. Sullivan '36–
- Mr. Melvin B. Summerfield '24–
- Mr. Louis Tompros
- Mrs. Karen Tompros
- Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Towns '35–
- Dr. and Mrs. Warren W. Tucker '25–
- Mr. and Mrs. Herbert W. Vaughan–
- Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Warthin–
- Mr. and Mrs. Ashley Weare '45
- Mr. and Mrs. Karl H. Weber '30–
- Drs. Paul and Merrill Weitzel '86
- Mr. and Mrs. Norman A. Welch, Jr. '63–
- Mr. and Mrs. George A. Weller '25–
- Mr. and Mrs. Richard M. Whidden '38–
- Mr.– and Mrs. Richard M. Whitney '57
- Mr. and Mrs. L. Ware Williams '38–
- Dr. and Mrs. Richard N. Winickoff
- Mr. Nathaniel J. Young '38–
- Mr. George C. Zevitas '26–
– indicates deceased